Product information

  • Product: SMART LIBRARY
  • Modules: Librarian login, Staff login & Student login
  • Design Features: Data Analytics and Insights, Dashboard Overview, Real-Time Updates.


The library management system consists of three main modules, each designed to cater to different user roles: Librarian, Staff, and Student. The system is equipped with embedded devices that utilize RFID technology for tracking entries and exits of students and staff. Additionally, the librarian can generate reports in XLSX format for better data analysis.

Librarian Login:

Full Access: The librarian has complete control over the management system.

Book Management: Ability to search for books in the library by title, author, or ISBN. View details of borrowed books, including due dates and borrower information. Process book returns and update the system accordingly.

Fine Management: View and manage fines incurred by students and staff for overdue books. Generate reports on fines for better tracking and management.

Staff Login:

Availability Check: View how many books are currently available in the library. Check if specific books are in stock or borrowed.

Activity Monitoring: Track library activities, such as how many books have been borrowed and the associated fines. Generate activity reports to assess library usage and performance.

Student Login:

Access to Information: Similar functionalities as staff, allowing students to check book availability. View borrowed books and their due dates.

Fine Overview: Check any fines incurred for overdue books.

Embedded Devices Integration:

Entry and Exit Monitoring: The library utilizes embedded devices to monitor and analyze the entry and exit of students and staff. These devices ensure secure access to the library and help track attendance.


Data Export: The librarian can generate reports in XLSX format to analyze library activities, including book lending trends and fine collections. Reports can be used for presentations, audits, and improving library services.